How Dental Implants Can Make You Look Younger

If you’ve lost a tooth through decay or an accident it is a traumatic experience. Losing a tooth drastically alters the way we look and feel about ourselves, which can leave your confidence on the floor.

Before the rise in preventative dental care and advances in dentistry, extracting teeth was a more common option for teeth with decay and your only option was to either put up with the gap or, in the case of losing all your teeth, have a denture fitted. But wearing a denture can make you feel old before your time.

Not only can gaps make you feel old but they can make you look older too. When a tooth is removed the jawbone will start to shrink where the tooth was, even with just one tooth, the face can look ‘pinched’ and gaunt.

The good news is that dental implants are now a more realistic and affordable option for many. In the case of a single tooth replacement they fit snugly next to existing teeth and blend in seamlessly.

  1. They stop the jawbone from wasting away. Less jawbone can leave you with a gaunt appearance.
  2. They fill out your smile and ‘plump’ up your lips. Having a full set of teeth with push your lips forward and stop them from sinking back into your mouth.
  3. Dental implants stop sagging cheeks and wrinkles development over time.
  4. They boost you confidence, the glow you radiate is all part of looking and feeling youthful

Find out more about what an implant is and how it works here. If you can’t afford to replace a denture with an entire set of implants ask us about our 'Two-Implant overdentures' treatment that allows a new, comfortable, denture to be fixed in position.

If you have a gap or are missing several teeth please contact us to discuss how we can help you. Jackie will be happy to have a no-obligation chat through your options. You can make a reservation by using our online form, calling 01427 628 999.