2nd Anniversary Newsletter

WOW! Blyton Dental celebrates being 2 already, and what a ride it’s been so far. To those of you who have been with us since we opened (and before!) and to those of you who have joined us on the way, we sincerely thank you for joining us and allowing us to provide you with your dental care. It’s the biggest compliment we can receive.

Every single one of us here loves what we do and to have a practice full of lovely patients to share it with makes all the difference. So, thank you, take a bow, now floss!

This year has seen a few changes, we proudly waved Colleen off to university to study Dental Hygiene and Therapy, we welcomed Leanne (Dental Nurse) Philippa and Joanna (Trainee Dental nurses) Emily (Hygienist/Therapist) and we sadly said goodbye to Gemma who is now working within orthodontics a lot closer to home. This year we have been blessed with full diaries and many recommendations to family and friends. Sharon Jacob is enhancing her knowledge by undertaking a master’s degree in Advanced Education in General Dentistry and Arun Thomas is continuing his interest in cosmetic dentistry and dental implantology, this year has seen him introducing the use of PRF(Platelet-Rich Fibrin)to accelerate wound healing following dental implant surgeries, extractions and bone grafts.  Clare and Emily continue to provide their services to help  eradicate and control gum disease

Some of you may know we have applied for planning permission for a third surgery on the practice. This will be a second-floor extension which will means we won’t lose a parking space. We are hoping this will help ease the diaries and offer a little more flexibility with the hygienist’s books. We will ensure as little disruption as possible whilst any work is being completed.

We have noticed this year that more and more we are seeing nervous patients on recommendation from current patients of ours. Of course, we are flattered and will continue to provide the best care we possibly can and provide the time that nervous patients need. We always tell people we try to be the right mix between laid back and professional. We welcome you with a smile and a laugh (often a hug when needed) but we never compromise on standards and quality.

Whilst we have evolved over the last two years our ethos remains the same. TO Treat everyone as if they were a member of our family.

If you’re happy with your care tell the world! if you’re unhappy, tell us.
Here’s to our third year!