Winter 2020 Newsletter

We hope this Newsletter finds you, and your loved ones, safe and well. This has been an unprecedented year for most of us and we can only speculate about the future. Nevertheless, I’m sure the Christmas spirit will prevail and we will make the very best of the festive season.

It has been five years since we opened the doors of Blyton Dental to public. We have welcomed over 6000 patients through our doors since we opened on 15th November 2015. Thank you for all your continued support over the years.

Corona virus pandemic dominated our lives this year, the practice was closed at the end of March when face-to-face patient contact was suspended and during the lockdown, we operated phone triage service: offering advice to our patients sending prescriptions to pharmacies and referring some to urgent dental care units when needed. Although our door was closed it was a very hectic time behind the scenes.

The many challenges to re-opening then began. Our manager was tasked with a new standard operating procedure for safe return to practice in early June. We were able to source adequate personal protective equipment/PPE kits. All clinical staff had to be fit tested for FFP2/FFP3 masks and certificated. Our patients have also adapted and it has been heart-warming for us that they have been both supportive and reassured by the measures we have in place to keep everyone safe.

We sadly said farewell to Joanna in May, she decided it was time for a career change and is going back to college in September. We feel extremely fortunate to have recruited Chloe, Maree and Rebecca. Chloe has joined our reception team, and Maree and Rebecca are very experienced nurses. We are delighted to welcome them and wish them a very happy future with us.

Ellie had a lovely baby girl called Emilia Francesca born on 19th January 2020

We are excited to announce we are opening a sister practice in Scunthorpe in the new year. We hope you will all join us at the opening event.

We take this opportunity to wish you a lovely Christmas and our very best wishes for 2021

Kindest regards

Everyone at Blyton Dental


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