Are you drinking enough water to protect your teeth? — Blyton Dental

Are you drinking enough water to protect your teeth?

So, this week is Hydration and Nutrition week and it got me thinking about the impact of this on our Oral Health. We’re pretty clued up on which foods are good or bad for our teeth. And although most of us realise the health benefits of drinking our 2 litres of water a day for our bodies in general – the benefits to our oral health are rarely discussed. Can water really help fight tooth decay?


The simple answer is YES! Here are 4 advantages that we found to drinking more water…

1.     It literally washes off food and drink from your teeth

If you’re out on the town and having a few drinks then not only will a glass of water between drinks help your hangover in the morning, but it will rinse the sugars that bacteria love, right from your teeth. It will also dilute those harmful acids in food and drink.

2.     Water prevents ‘dry mouth’

If we’re generally de-hydrated one of the first signs is a dry mouth (think too much exercise or too much alcohol). We’ve all woken at some point with a dry mouth, gasping for a glass of water. This is the perfect environment for bacteria to thrive on your teeth, especially overnight. Being more hydrated will help prevent this by keeping a steady supply of saliva – one of the mouth’s first defences to neutralise the acid in your mouth.

3.     Water strengthens your teeth

Drinking water with fluoride is one of the easiest ways to prevent tooth decay. This is added to the water in some regions. Research has shown that there is significantly less decay in areas where fluoride is added.

4.     Its free

Acid free, sugar free, fat free… and it doesn’t cost a penny! Sweetened drinks create the perfect environment for bacteria to attach your gums and teeth so switch to water and eliminate the risk.

It’s the bacteria build up that will eventually cause gum disease, decay and ultimately tooth loss. Brushing our teeth twice a day will usually be sufficient to remove the plaque build-up. But drinking more water throughout the day seems an easy thing that can help prevent bacteria forming in the first place.

If you're worried about your teeth please call for an appointment. 
