Restoring extremely worn out dentition

This gentleman presented with an extremely worn-out dentition.

He was told by his dentist that he could not have dentures to replace his back teeth due to a lack of space.

Digital smile designing allowed us to use a 3D scan of his mouth along with photos to design a new smile.

His worn-out dentition was rebuilt with composite bondings to restore the lost height. The upper arch was restored with cosmetic bridges, and we chose to leave the composite bondings as they were in the lower arch for any future crowns if needed.

The posterior teeth were restored with chrome dentures made using DMLS (direct metal laser sintering) method.

Acid reflux/hiatus hernia along with a night grinding habit and heavy brushing is often the main cause of teeth wear - it's important to address the cause of the problem. This patient had hiatus hernia which caused severe acid reflux and is currently on medication by his GP.