Dental Implants – Natural looking teeth

Your teeth are important, we spend time caring for them, visiting the dentist, brushing and flossing regularly but sometimes losing a tooth is inevitable.  The team at Blyton Dental can fully restore your smile using the latest techniques and materials.  A gap in your smile doesn’t have to be permanent.

Dental implants are a long-lasting solution to tooth loss, and you may be surprised by the tooth replacement choices that are open to you.  If you have a few or all of your teeth missing, you are struggling with function and appearance, and your general health is good then an implant may be the perfect solution.

A dental implant is an artificial replacement for a tooth root, a small ‘post’ usually made from titanium. Your dentist will remove any damaged tissue and the implant is then placed in your jawbone.  This alone encourages the bone to strengthen around the implant and can help stop your natural teeth from drifting, as well as potentially preventing future tooth loss.

Once in place, we can fit a natural looking, permanent alternative to your own tooth, with the best possible function and comfort, we aim for the implant prostheses to function and appear as close as possible to natural dentition.  At Blyton Dental, we place a lot of emphasis in making the implant crowns/bridges as aesthetic as possible. All of our implant crowns are made from metal free materials like zirconia or emax. A lot of emphasis is given on immediate implant placements and having provisional implant crowns on the same day wherever possible.

We also use the latest technology in digital scanning and photography and our Dental Cone Beam CT Scanner will produce 3D images of your mouth, making implant placement procedures relatively quick and allowing us to design the implant restorations which blend with the rest of your teeth.

 Opting for dental implants reduces the number of visits to the dentist as they're easier to maintain compared to loose-fitting dentures.

The implant process generally consists of a minimum of 4-5 visits over a three to five-month period. Once the procedure is completed, proper dental hygiene, including daily brushing and flossing, is required to maintain healthy, bacteria-free teeth, gums and crowns. This helps in the prevention of gum disease.

Many of our patients have received dental treatment using these implant techniques, and the results speak for themselves. Blyton Dental has a real passion for implantology, and your dental health, and smile, is our priority. If you wish to discuss any dental implant procedures then contact Blyton Dental and benefit from a free consultation with one of our experienced team members.

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