Let 2020 shine brightly for you, and your teeth!

A new year does offer an excellent opportunity to reassess your health goals and decide what changes you could make. Whether it’s your dental health, or a boost for your teeth, (and your confidence!), Blyton Dental can help you achieve great dental health and wellbeing.

Preventative dentistry is often the key to healthy teeth and gums, if you are brushing your teeth twice a day, why not add flossing/interdental brushing into your daily routine? Brushing your teeth alone isn't enough to keep plaque from building up on your teeth, or to remove bits of food. If it's been a while since you've seen your dentist, you're not alone.

Many adults miss dental appointments but booking a dental check-up is one of the most important things you can do when looking after your teeth. Even if your teeth look and feel fine it’s far better to prevent problems before they start, and if you are experiencing sensitivity in your teeth or you have noticed your gums bleed then it’s definitely time to see the dentist.

Make sure you eat a healthy diet, dairy products are high in calcium, which is great for your teeth, and cutting down on sugar reduces the risk of tooth decay considerably. You can reduce the number of sugary snacks you eat by making some simple changes, buy sugar-free drinks or chew a piece of sugar-free gum when you have a craving for something sweet.

We know that smoking increases your risk for gum disease and is linked to a host of other health issues, let your dental health be an incentive to stop smoking. Pick a date to give up the habit and ask your friends and family to help you quit. Many ex-smokers have said that chewing sugar free gum and brushing their teeth has helped with cravings.

It may be that 2020 is the year for you to make a big difference, Blyton Dental offer a wide range of high quality yet affordable cosmetic dental treatments including dental implants, teeth straightening for adults and teenagers, smile makeovers, teeth whitening, veneers and gum reshaping.

If you’re not completely happy with your smile, then contact us for a free consultation and see how we can help you.

Season’s greetings from everyone at Blyton Dental, here’s to outstanding dental health in 2020!