Make a visit to the dentist a positive experience

A regular visit to the dentist for a health check is an important part of keeping your teeth and gums in tip top shape.  Dentists are well aware of the many people who find even a routine dental check-up stressful and at Blyton Dental we are sympathetic to this and will do everything we can to put you at ease.

Whilst some people cannot really explain why they have a fear of visiting the dentist, others can unfortunately put it down to a previous bad experience.  Whatever your reasons do have a chat with us prior to your visit, we will happily talk through all of your concerns and help you overcome your anxiety so that you don’t miss out on preventative dental care.  A visit to the dentist every 6 to 9 months to be told everything is fine is preferable to infrequent visits at which you’re told you may need some dental treatment.

Another type of anxiety dentists have encountered is patient concerns about how teeth will look, and feel, during or after treatment.  Any change can cause concern, even if it’s an improvement, but some patients find it difficult to move forward with a smile makeover due to lack of awareness about the transition phase. 

At your initial consultation we will discuss your treatment plan, explain the different phases of the treatment, ensure you are advised on dental care during the treatment and always be available should you have any questions along the way.


With advances in dental technology we can also show you how your new smile will look, even before the start of the treatment!  Digital smile design and the use of iTero digital scans allows us to design the perfect smile with a clear image of the results required combined with how your smile looks currently.

Using digital technology in cases for bridges or implants, we can have prototypes made before the final phase of treatment giving patients an excellent ‘picture’ of how their smile will look upon completion

At Blyton Dental we want your visit to the dentist to be a positive experience, where any treatment results speak for themselves.  If you want to visit the dentist but have any concerns, please get in touch.  Our friendly and knowledgeable team will be happy to help.